Welcome to West Hempfield Presbyterian Church
a PCUSA congregation united by our faith in Jesus Christ
and a desire to follow his command to love one another
a PCUSA congregation united by our faith in Jesus Christ
and a desire to follow his command to love one another
Join us Sunday mornings at 10:00am.
Or join us anytime by watching a sermon video at youtube.com/@westhempfieldpc
For information about the live call-in line, please contact the church office.
If you would like to see any of our sermon videos or previous live streams, they are available on the church YouTube Channel.
Your donations enable WHPC to serve the Lord and our community.
General Fund gifts will be used wherever there is the greatest need.
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8 West Hempfield Dr., Irwin, PA 15642, US
Today | Closed |
Sunday Worship Service is at 10:00am
West Hempfield Presbyterian Church
8 West Hempfield Dr., Irwin, PA 15642, US